Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stonehenge, Avenbury, and Glastonbury

Today I visited three places that were on my I really got to see list Stonehenge, Avenbury, and Glastonbury.

Avenbury was quite nice because there were more sheep than people out amongst the circle. This circle goes around the village that is partly in the middle of it.

Stonehenge was really a bit smaller that I was expecting but over all I enjoyed the experience of visiting this very interesting spot.

Glastonbury was probably my favorite though I wish that I had more time there so that I could have climbed the tor. During the visit we stopped at the chalice well and had a drink from the healing waters and I washed my feet in the healing pool of King Arthur. Afterwords I got to explore Glastonbury Abbey. This abbey is in ruins but it was still nice to visit and to explore this large site with the ruins all around.

Glastonbury Abbey

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