Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today I visited Bath it is a nice town very relaxing, though that may be because the tourists are not here yet. The town is sitting over the top of what was once a Roman town and possibly even older civilizations than that. The Roman town had a temple dedicated to Minerva because it was one of the few places that has a hot spring. Apparently this is the only one in Britain.

Roman Baths- reservoir over the spring
I enjoyed visiting the Roman Baths and walking around the town today it was interesting to see and explore. I finally had my afternoon tea in a little tea shop around the corner. It was quite nice and relaxing.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stonehenge, Avenbury, and Glastonbury

Today I visited three places that were on my I really got to see list Stonehenge, Avenbury, and Glastonbury.

Avenbury was quite nice because there were more sheep than people out amongst the circle. This circle goes around the village that is partly in the middle of it.

Stonehenge was really a bit smaller that I was expecting but over all I enjoyed the experience of visiting this very interesting spot.

Glastonbury was probably my favorite though I wish that I had more time there so that I could have climbed the tor. During the visit we stopped at the chalice well and had a drink from the healing waters and I washed my feet in the healing pool of King Arthur. Afterwords I got to explore Glastonbury Abbey. This abbey is in ruins but it was still nice to visit and to explore this large site with the ruins all around.

Glastonbury Abbey

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Palace of Versailles

Over the weekend while I was in Paris I went to the Palace of Versailles. Even though the gardens were not yet in bloom, the fountains turned off, and some of the statues covered it was still quite nice. I did a tour out there so that I could actually learn about the statues and such and a little about the kings who lived there and how the château came to be. I did go inside as well I figured the "off" season would be a good time though there where still lots of people there. Unlike Holyrood this palace really seemed over the top.

This is one of the fountains in the gardens the Apollo Fountain supposedly as he is coming out with the sun to go across the sky though with the water and the merpeople it really reminds me more of poseidon or Neptune as this was based more on the Romans than Greeks.

Apollo Fountain

Saturday, March 26, 2011


For a weekend away from the UK you can't beat Paris, it is really close by train or if you can't afford that a coach is the way to go. There are even overnight coaches save your self a night  or two in a hostel!

Here I am in the wonderful, pretty, and stinky city of Paris. So far it has been nice and sunny well except for the past few hours. If one ever decides to go to Paris while many of the shop keepers speak English ordering food can be tough because the menus are in French. So far so good though today it helped that I hung out with one of the girls I met in Belfast, it just so happens she can speak French.

Over the past two days I have visited many of the tourists spots and have found them quite nice, though I didn't go to the top of any of the monuments just due to the fact that well Paris is an expensive city.

Eiffel Tower
So my spell check is trying to tell me that most words are spelled wrong and gives me French suggestions!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baker Street

Today as I am not feeling 100% I only went to Baker Street to see the Sherlock Homes Museum. It was intresting as they have it in an actual boarding house from the victorian era. They had quite a few antiques and a really fancy wall decoractions. I spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping so that I could get better faster so that way I can have fun this weekend.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today I flew off to never never land or as close as I could get, the statue of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. I also walked around Hyde Park visited Harrods, that was something though the food section inside was quite nice I am suprised I didn't walk out with a bunch of chocolate. I also visited the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Monday, March 21, 2011


So have been in London for a few days and have been to the British Museum and saw the mummy's and the Rosetta stone, each was quite interesting. Today, I went on a free walking tour of London that was very good, mostly thanks to the guide. I even got to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. After the tour me and a few others went to the Tower of London. Both in and the changing of the guard seemed very cliche though that could be just the sheer amount of people that were there.

Tonight however was quite different, I got to see Wicked the Musical. It was amazing. I am very glad that I finally got to see it. Though I noticed that it seems that people do not even kinda dress up for the theater anymore as there were people in blue jeans and hoodies. I did enjoy the musical greatly though and they had some good performers. It was a lot funnier at times than I was expecting. I hope to get to see it again someday.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


The past few days I was in Nottingham following in the footsteps of Robin Hood and his merry men. I saw Nottingham Castle and was tried at Crime and Punishment. I did not make it out to Sherwood forest just because it was the weekend and the buses were not running that frequently. I am debating about going to Paris next weekend I need to make up my mind soon so I can book where I am going to be this weekend to make sure I have a room!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More Edinburgh

Ruins along the path to Arthur's Seat
 Today started out not so great but ended up quite sunny and I had great views from Arthur's Seat. It was a lovely hike up to the top. Before hiking up to the top I stopped at Holyrood Palace the Queens official residence in Scotland. It was interesting sight but since it is still a residence there is not a lot that I could see inside and could not take pictures.

Over the past few days I have run into some interesting characters along the royal mile. Maybe I will be able to post pictures when I get to a place that has a bit better Internet connection.

Along the side streets and closes through out Edinburgh there are lots of little interesting shops, so far I have managed not to buy to much since I don't really have space for it!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Yesterday I went to Loch Lomond and Stirling Castle. It was snowy and cloudy so many of my pictures did not come out all that well. On the way back from Loch Lomond the coach went through the Trossacks National Park, it was a very scenic drive.

Today it was a bit better and I went to Edinburgh Castle and had some lovely views before the fog came back in. While I was at the castle Princess Anne stopped by to unveil a statue.

Today I also visited a weaving mill and got a piece of the family tartan and I learned that the surname white could also be MacGregor as they were a sub group of the clan and when the name was outlawed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Inverness/Loch Ness

The past few days were spent in Inverness which is near Loch Ness so yes I went Nessie hunting. Though didn't see anything. I was able to take a cruise across the loch and up to Urquhart Castle which was blown up to prevent the Jacobites from getting it.

The weather was quite cold and it started to snow while I was in Inverness. They actually got quite a bit.

Urquhart Castle

Thursday, March 10, 2011


After leaving Glasgow I have traveled to Oban a little sea side town. The past few days it has been really cold, windy, and rainy. I was unable to go over to the Island of Mull and Iona due to the fact that I was worried that the ferries would not be going. Sure enough several have been cancelled. I have however kept busy by visiting a distellery and seeing sites around Oban. Today I took a tour out to some islands where they mined slate. It was a very nice scenery just a little cold and rainy.

Last night one of the ladies who is in the same dorm as I made me haggis so that I could try it the correct way with neeps and tatties. It is actually really good.
Bridge over the Atlantic

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have been in Scotland since Saturday and am going to continue my journey today. Over the past few days I have seen a variety of different things. I also learned that I do not like art museums and think they are dull. I also learned about a water based hovercraft that was designed here in Scotland in the early 60's. Overall a very productive week so far.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So I made it safely to Belfast after flying into Dublin earlier today. I met some nice people along the way. I am in the hostel now and there are several nice people that I have met already.  I am a little tired after traveling and not a who lot of sleep.

I had my first pint of Guinness, it really was a lot better than I was expecting. The next few days here in Northern Ireland should be a lot of fun and I am looking foward to them.