Friday, April 22, 2011

Travels Through Ireland Continued

After a few nights in Derry (LondonDerry) we went to Glenveagh National Park where a castle was built next to a lake and the guy who built the castle displaced tenants so that he could have his hunting lodge. We also stayed in the town where the John Wayne movie The Quiet Man was filmed. I have also seen several monasteries and abbey ruins as well as St. Patrick's hill a sacred mountain here in Ireland, didn't make it all the way up due to time constraints. There have been old stone forts and ruins from past civilizations. At one point we stopped near a town that had a castle that was turned into a hotel, the going rate of which is apparently 700 Euro a night! Overall the past few days I have gotten to see things that I would not have gotten to see had I been travelling by myself. I have also gotten a nice dose of history from the bus driver/guide as well. The people I have been travelling with have been fun to hang out with and they are all nice.

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