Sunday, April 17, 2011


This weekend was spent down by the beach. It was nice and warm, at least when the sun was shining and I was on the other side of the dune from the wind. I had some pretty nice weather and enjoyed walking down the 3km beach. I found this past weekend quite relaxing as I wasn't running around trying to see something or felt like I needed to go see something. I enjoyed listening to the ocean on the other side of the dune as I read a book. While Tramore is well known for its surfing, or so I hear, I did not participate something to do with the really cold water.

Today I also realized just how short my time in Europe is coming just a little over two weeks before I make the journey back to the US. I know I will miss it but at the same time I have enjoyed my time here and have learned a lot about myself during my travels. Off to have some fun for the little bit of time I have left!

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